Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Its a New Year :)

Hello Everyone,
  Sorry for not updating in over two weeks but, honestly I had nothing new to talk about.
Holidays are over for a while :( I love the Holidays. My cousin Brad has started a new tradition of throwing a Christmas Eve Eve party! I went last year and had such a good time. Unfortunately, this year because I am avoiding large groups of people in fear of catching something I could not go :( I was so upset, but I will definitely be there next year! Christmas Eve I went over to my Nana and Grampa’s and had Chinese food with them and my father. For Christmas me, my mom and sisters had dinner together we had lobster, steamers, steak, and quit a few side dishes it was absolutely amazing and then our family and the Murray's went over to my Aunty Gail’s and Uncle Paul’s for dessert, drinks and family game time. It was the first year we did Christmas this way; usually the entire family will have Christmas dinner at one families house. But after dinner everyone would become super sluggish and then there would always be  just so much to clean that we never really got to enjoy the time spent together. It was always eat, clean and then be sooo tired to do anything else. This year though, we all got to eat dinner at our own places so nothing was rushed and then we all went over to the Conways at no particular set time and just hung out together. We did a Yankee Swap and then played Catch Phrase and it was probably some of the most fun I have had in a long time :)

  During the week in between Christmas and New Years, I simply relaxed. I had no Dr. appointments the entire week~it was amazing. One of my best friends, Colleen, came to visit and spent the night. We ate pizza, watched movies and just hung out~we had so much fun and I loved it. Simple things like that really do help me forget that I am sick and on oxygen :) I was also looking after my Cousin’s dog Lucky this week. She has diabetes’s and needs an insulin shot twice a day and I had no problem giving Lucky her shots.  New Years Eve was very different this year then it has been in the past. I am usually out partying with friends at either a bar or a house celebrating the end of the previous year and the beginning of the New Year. This year however, I laid low. My mom, Lindsey and I hung in and had oysters, lobster (clearly my favorite food ever) and steamers! Then we played cards and of course popped champagne and watched the ball fall at midnight. Even though this New Years Eve was a lot different then my previous years it is one I will never forget <3

  I leave for Cleveland this coming Sunday! I am super excited and super nervous. I am excited because we have just waited so long for this appointment and now it is finally here. Super nervous because, I have so many what if’s… I mean I have gone though a double lung transplant before but it does not make the whole situation any easier, if anything I think it makes it a little more difficult. Angel Flight which is a non-profit organization will be flying my mom and I out to Cleveland on the 8th and will be flying us home on the 13th. They allow oxygen to be brought on board and any other medical necessities. The organization is basically people who have there pilots license and have their own planes to donate there time and their personal private plane to fly people in medical situations to and from there destination. It is an amazing organization that helped lower the stress involved with this whole trip to Cleveland. One thing though~ your suitcase cannot be more than 18 pounds, they clearly do not know me, haha. I usually have two suitcases one for shoes and one for clothes and neither of them are ever less than 18 pounds. But I will figure it out haha~hopefully. I also planned on blogging about my trip to Cleveland but I was hoping to do a video blog instead of just typing out everything. If anyone has a flip camera or a flip style camera I could borrow for the week that would be awesome!

  Also tickets are now being sold for the benefit on February 11th. They are $75 a ticket. That gets you a sit down dinner, which will consist of bread, soup, salad, entrée, dessert and coffee a fully stocked cash bar, a DJ and plenty of dancing :). Also there will be a live auction, a silent auction and raffles. Tickets must be purchased before the event. Please feel free to contact me though here, facebook, twitter, email, text (and any other forms of communication)OR you can go to my webpage and buy them right from there www.breatheeasyforashley.org  if you are interested in buying a ticket.

Talk to you all later~Breathe Easy

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